Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brown Sugar Macchiato?

Brown Sugar Macchiato? What the heck is this man? Apparently, it is a taiwanese drama series about life of 6 brothers -___-! same age pulak. What to do, father playboy ma + he has 10billion worth of HARTA BENDA. What the chicken man. Still, what does it gotta do with Brown Sugar Macchiato? Owh, it's coffee izit? Tell earlier la. Dahlah my mandarin separuh baldi -____-! Sighs. Anyhow, it is a good movie^^ The girls inside this movie is super cute but the guys.... KURANG SIKIT LA. Still kalah to me /gg


Anonymous said...

O.O hahas...nayays...grats that u hav created a blog..anyhow u r much better than blog is like rotting~ lols! ^^

weijun said...

LOL, I've viewed yours and it is such a waste for you to redo your blog all over again -___-! Anyways, thanks xD