Saturday, March 22, 2008

Getting started?

I've asked myself a few questions before I actually signed up to blog. Here it goes :
1) Why should I start BLOGGING?
-No offence to anyone but I used to think that blogging are for those sadistic mother fuckers who are seeking for attention and wants to tell the whole world bout their live. SAD right? But, the main point is that blogging can actually destress yourself *just an excuse*. Nah... not that, is just that I realise half of the world actually blogs and I just tell myself "what the hell,
give it a try."

2)Isn't it against my own believe that I don't like to tell the world about my life and why share?
- LOL, this is kinda tough but here it is. I'm just gonna write it down here for the sake of passing my time. Who's cares if anybody reads it? Screw those people who are jealous xD

I'm going to start my very first post on what I did today.
Mom came bashing in my room asking me what time is it already? Am I going to wake up or what? *Takes a look at my phone* OMFG is 6PM!!! WAT THE FISH? Can't believe that I've been sleeping for 12hours. And so, I got my lazy bum up, had my dinner and Freddy called me if I wanna watch Shutter in MV and I agreed. Called Yao Joe and asks if he wants to go along but the dickhead rejected me -.- FINE! Gave Kenton a call and he said okay. 2Mins later, Joe called and the convo was like this

YJ : what time u all going?
WJ: dont know but we're watching midnight show la -.-
YJ : wanna go out now anot?
WJ: go where?
YJ : PX la i wanna ta kei later go watch movie lo -.-
WJ: tot you dun wanna go?
YJ : Kenton ask me to go lo!
WJ : kkk get rdy I'll be there in 5
YJ : nonono! I haven't wear my shirt and all 10mins la
WJ : Diu... kkk

So, we reached px and wanted to have a game of DOTA before we leave but.... MACAOHAI no pc only got 2 pc -.- So I ended up watching that sohai play o2Jam =..= Freddy called and fetched us to MV. Lined up for 15mins and finnaly it is our turn.

me: 6 tickets for Shutter 11.30pm
DICKHEAD : I'm sorry sir, Shutter is full
me: what about others? hmmm.... Ah Long Pte Ltd?
DICKHEAD : I'm sorry sir, only frnt seatings and reservations will be released in 10mins.
me: can we wait at the side and when it's time we'll come over to purchase the tickets?
DICKHEAD : I'm sorry you can't sir. I tak boleh promise u
me: but it's only 10mins
DICKHEAD: *speechless*
Freddy: diu we go line up again.

We ended up smoking and asked Kenton to buy the tickets from the reservation counter since he's an ex staff there. MWhahaha. We don't have to line up again. You suck bitch! We don't have to line up! Get your ass stuck over there and work there for the rest of your life in GSC. HMPH!!!

Well, the movie was OMGSFTILMAO
Quote of the day is ...........
I grade this movie 41/2 over 5

Headed home and here I am.
Oh yeah, I came across Joanne's blog and I just found out she had an operation lately.OMG! Are you alright? Please take care of yourself little one! Dah la so tiny tak mau makan hari hari -.- Anyways, gx that you went home safely. May GOD bless you.
Alright everyone, I heading to PX now although it is 5.28am. But, there's no one at home -____- SUPER BORING MAN. Sighs

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