Sunday, March 23, 2008

Yet, another boring slow day -.-

Just like any other odinary day. Waking up and finding myself alone at home. With no credit and no way to contact my friends, what other things can I do? Online..... Which I find it really irritating because the rainy weather seems to make my internet connection extra slow. Maxis Broadband sucks! PIFF @.@
What can I do? What can I do? Okay... FINE I give up la! Go back to sleep Zz__zZ
Wakes up at 7p.m and my dad brought me out for dinner. As usually, is PX time! Mwhaha. Suprizingly, there's noone there. Omfg! Where is all the people. OKAY FINE! Dota alone loh diu. Very hard meh.

Game is starting in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

-ar... Centeur Warchief one of the most imbalanced boring hero!
Okay lo... solo forest 10mins vanguard,22mins BoT and hood, 40mins dagon 600,50mins my team kena gg thanks to our:

Omniknight with 1power tread, 2 bracers and stout shield
Juggernaught with 1 power tread, 1 battle fury, 2 wraith band
Necrolic with 1 power tread, 1ring of regeneration, 4 ironwood branch
Enigma with 1 blink dagger, 1mekanism, point booster and NO BOOTS @.@
Moral of the story, never to play dota when you are alone.
Well, after 2 hours of torture finally my gang arrived and is time to rape asses. Mwhahaha
Overall, 4wins 1 loss -____-

Headed over to the mamak and makan. Then there was this girl whom I just got to know like tow days ago (sry I forgotten her name) started making disturbing noises -___- eg: making farting noises with your hands, imitating cat's meowing -____- what else is gonna come next?
So we ended up chatting and making funny noises for 1hour in the mamak. Quite sad right? But it's kinda fun. Try it out yourself and obviously, in a mamak of course. Or when you're alone at home. If you find it rather embarrasing then DON'T DO IT. Haha

After the yumchar session, is time to head home and here I am. Sitting down infront of the laptop and have no idea what to do next.
Oh yeah, 1 more thing. Tommorow will be ACG ( Asean Cyber Games) Finals and so, I shall take this oportunity to wish my friends good luck.
GO INC-XTC all the best bitches. Oh yeah, ina_ana dont feed please -.-

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