Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't be a DRAG just be a Queen

I don't know if you've ever felt my love. If you didn't, I'm sorry that I loved you in a wrong way. I've always thought that we would achieve something in 5 years. As promised, I've worked really hard to be where I am right now. Is what we always watch in TV always right? One can never achieve in both relationship and career at the same time? My parents always told me not to learn anything from the TV because it is all *&)^)*&* and what do you know? For once, the TV is right. Frankly speaking, I really do love you with all my heart. Ask everyone I know and listen to what I've said to them before. Even to those dislike you, I've defended you. I don't know why tears just can't seem to come out even if I wanted it to so badly right now. I want to cry my lungs out but I just can't. This is much worse that what you're going through. You might think that you are the pithiest person on earth bitching to the whole world bout how I mistreated you as my girlfriend and all the shits you've put up with me but guess what, the feeling is mutual. Have you ever tried being in a position where you're too sad to even cry? Words get stuck in your throat before you can even spill it out? Insomnia? Dreaming bout the same thing over and over again? Waking up every 1 hour during sleep and check if any1 called? Going to work and pretend like nothing happened? I am a human being too. I need someone to go through this with me. But guess what? I think I can handle this just fine because to me, all this is just dejavu from 4 years ago. I try to be optimistic bout things. Sometime I tell myself, WOOWEIJUN why can't you just forgive her and pretend like nothing happened? I DID TRY but guess what?Everytime I go into your facebook and twitter, I see things that I don't want to and you just keep disappointing me every single time. I don't know what you want in life and I don't know how to help you anymore because I'm really exhausted. I want someone who can hug me in her arms and tell me "Everything will be fine. Just bare with things and eventually, things will go smoothly" Whenever I'm all stressed out with work. These small petty petty things is what I need.

I love you, I miss you and I want you back so badly before today.
But you've only bought a 1 way ticket to my heart. There's no return to where you've gone right now. All I want you to know is that you were the one whom I thought I can spend my lifetime with.

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