Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My new JOB!

Hey peeps, it has been quite sometime ever since I've bloogggeeeddd! Haha, so much updating my blog huh? It is not dead YET! Well, to start with, I have a new job! Guess what? I'm currently working for Izzi Net, a independent wireless broadband company as a Professional Sales Executive! FULAMAK O.O *eyes open* nama saja cun tapi kerja cam promoter jer! Ceh wah, the name sounds atractive huh? wait till you work la! So, if anyone here who wish to try out our service, please contact me at 012-6741408/0166667601 24/7 always at your service with no charges! Unless, you wanna provide me with a yum char session or something else ^_^

To update a lil bout my unlikely life, it doesn't suck that much. I meet different people everyday. Friendly people, beautiful showgirls and assholes. Trust me when I use that word! These people would enquire so much and end up not purchasing anything! ++ in some occasion, there are people who treats promoters like papparazi. They would cover their face with their handbags or whatever they have in their hands and run for their life when we approach them. As if la we're gonna do anything. Why can't they just be polite and take the god damn brocheur? Fuck these people man! Well, thank god there are still civilized people in this earth and would actually thank you for the service you provide them! At least then, you'll know that all the hardwork is worth it!

Alright is time for bed now : 4.16 am =.=zz

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