Monday, January 5, 2009

5th of January 2009

Hey peeps!
Before I start off, I would like to wish you guys a happy happy happy new year of 2009. I can’t figure out the title for today’s blog so I’ve decided to put only today’s date. There’s nothing much to write about, but since I’ve promised someone that I’ll update my blog and so here I am. Since this is going to be my first post of the year i shall take New Year’s Eve to start off with…

I thought I had plans on that day but guess what? I was waiting for Joe’s call to confirm our plans but somehow he didn’t call. I can get ready in time because I have work on 21st and also on the 1st. I had to work overtime on that day just because SoHo had some countdown thingy and so I had to work till 8.45pm. I finished my worked and call Joe, our conversation went like this :

Me : Oi sohai, you said you were going to call me last night to confirm, so what’s the plan now?
Joe : well, I’m at the Curve now and after that we’re heading over to the hotel because we have a room there and plan to booze there.
Me : Wtf? How the fish am I going to get there? FLY? After booze what are we doing? Did you drive?
Joe : No wei! We’ll be staying there for the night.
Me : marvelous la. Tomorrow how the fish am I gonna get to work?
Joe : That’s why… I also don’t know wei
Me : Nevermind la…..
Tutututututuuu…….. *conversation ended*
So I stoned for awhile in the staff’s room thinking what I should do and where I should go. Tak kan don’t wanna celebrate meh. Damn sad wei! Suddenly *phone rings* Ronald called me.
Ronald : eh noobjing, later you wanna go BZ?*bz is a cc*
Me : Who’s going?
Ronald : You, me and my bro…
Me : … Ok la… I’m on the way back now. Wait for me la k?
Ronald : when you reach call me la…
Me : Kkkk…..
So I took a cab back to Sri Petaling and waited for the 2 assholes for 1 hour. Fucking gay right? Me waiting for 2 guys? OMG =.=!
Oh well, I ended up in the cc for the countdown. It isn’t that sad afterall. I’m just wondering why is there people who is celebrating it? Don’t they know there will be recession soon? So they are celebrating recession? Haha dumb asses. Well, at that’s the least I could do to comfort myself…… =(

Moving on… 2nd of January 2009
Recently, I’ve contacted ms KOH YIT TZE at the
right time. She just came back from London. I didn’t even know she left to London. Haha ding dong betul.. I was quite surprised that she’s actually pursuing law. Her face is so innocent wei. How to become lawyer? This is the image I always have in mind of her....

Spot the difference?

We had some chat on the phone and through MSN. The other day, Ih heard the funniest thing in my life. Guess what? She told me that she's still single. But that's not the funniest part. She added this into the sentense : I've been single since born. Haha...

For you my friend, take this as a free advertisement k? guys out there.. Visit this profile if you're interested Do not hesitate to contact me if you can't add her. I will provide you with sufficient information to contact her. But, in the end, is all up to her. Make sure you upload your most "en tau" picture as your primary photo or else, she might not accept your friend's request. Haha. Good luck guys.

Just an extra info, she has already left to UK again. How? Well, the picture explains it all. By swimming of course =P

Btw, good luck in your exams tomorrow k? Try the dice. A serious advise from me to you =)

Well, i guess that's about it for today's post. Tata guys.